Online Dating Survey Results: Opinions

When asked "how do you feel about online dating in general?" respondents had a variety of different answers.

Some postive responses included:

"In my opinion online dating and interaction is a different way to meet new
people you usally would not interact or come across with in your common and usual
settings. Also, it can less stressful than a blind date and can make a first
encounter after speaking for a duration of time online easier."

"As long as both participants are true to themselves and not representing
themselves to be someone that they are not, the experience could be wonderful.
It is easy to keep up a charade on the internet but eventually, true colors will
come out in person."

"I was very skeptical about it at first. I had met a few people offline and at
first it went well, but went down hill afterwards, as it can with any
relationship. But I found my current boyfriend offline and couldnt be happier."

"It's a new day in age, and if that's what's available to find love, nothing
should stop anyone from exploring every option."

"It has become increasingly popular with each passing year and is becoming the
new catalyst to many relationships. However, I feel as though online dating is
the continuation of our technology-obsessed generation and reduces social
interaction just like texting and IM."

"It's really cool. I met someone online who I dated for a few years and also have
made several lifetime friends."

"Great! That is how I met my husband!"

Some more negative responses included:

"Actually causes more stress than you would think, weeding out people and trying
to not feel like you're just at a people buffet."

"There is a lot of people who misrepresent themselves online. It takes a while to figure out how to pick up on ques on profiles to "weed out" the "crazy ones" and you will STILL end up with 'crazy ones'."

"It's not for everyone. I have had better results out in the real world rather than the online dating world."

"Still a level of discomfort, because even though it is widely acceptable in this day and age, it's still very taboo in my eyes."

"Weird, I feel like its more difficult to tell if the person is being honest."

"It's a waste of time way to many picky and fake people on there."

All of these responses give a good idea of the positive and negative stigmas associated with online dating. It is a way to meet new people who you may never have had the opportunity to meet, whether it's just friends or relationships. It gives people a new opportunity to explore and find love and happiness. It can introduce you to your husband, or it can introduce you to some "crazy people." Honesty and trust play a big role in the negative connotations with online dating, as well as stress of the large amount of people interacting with online dating sites.

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